Marketing for Cleantech

Cleantech is an emerging sector within the energy industry, dedicated to developing and implementing technologies that have a reduced environmental impact when compared to more traditional counterparts.

At Top Rope Media we’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with various companies in this field to provide marketing support.  This piece specifically focuses on marketing for start-ups in the space, but these ideas can be applied as needed for your business.

Like many tech-focused startups, particularly those originating from academic backgrounds, we’ve seen a dishearteningly low adoption of crucial marketing techniques. While the focus for many technical founders is on advancing their technology, transitioning from a pre-funded early-stage startup to a sustainable business necessitates a strong emphasis on marketing. This is especially vital in cleantech due to lengthy sales cycles and the necessity to engage with multiple decision-makers within target companies.

Although the fundamental marketing principles remain consistent, the approach to target audience, messaging, sales cycle, marketing channels, and strategies can differ significantly.  In this blog, we will delve into the top 5 areas that cleantech startups and founders should consider as they develop effective go-to-market strategies for their businesses


1. Define Your Target Audience and Personas

Cleantech marketing is usually B2B in nature and targets businesses or organizations as customers. As a result, the audience tends to be more specific, often involving multiple decision-makers and various departments within a given company. This complexity is amplified by the fact that much of this technology is innovative and new. Consequently, many organizations lack individuals or teams specifically responsible for implementing these emerging solutions. Defining a clear target audience and creating buyer personas can be challenging.

However, based on our experience, this challenge presents a significant opportunity. Smart cleantech companies can distinguish themselves as trusted advisors through their content marketing and business development efforts, occupying a unique and valuable space within businesses that are actively focusing on the energy transition, a space that isn’t available to more established technology vendors.

When engaging with potential customers, it’s essential to pay close attention to the questions and problems they bring to you. This approach will help you identify the key decision-makers and influencers within your target audience and enable you to tailor your content marketing to provide valuable information that educates your audience effectively.


2. Messaging and Content

In general, when deciding to implement a technology, the primary considerations revolve around the product or service’s value, efficiency, and profitability. Content should be customized to address business challenges and illustrate how a solution can enhance a company’s sustainability efforts while reducing costs. Unfortunately, we often observe founders in this sector emphasizing the features and benefits of their technology rather than addressing the critical problems it solves for customers. This underscores the vital importance of early customer feedback in refining content marketing and aligning messaging with that feedback.

 The Video below was produced for one of our clients in the C&I energy space for a highly targeted campaign focused on wineries in California’s PG&E territory.  

If you’re uncertain about where to begin, based on our experience, one of the most significant decision-making factors, if not the most crucial one, is cost reduction. Sustainability, emissions reduction, and other environmental considerations are important but tend to take a secondary role compared to cost factors. As a result, content development should primarily concentrate on how your technology can help the company or organization cut costs or explore new revenue opportunities through its use.


3. Sales Cycles

The cleantech industry is known for its extended sales cycles. To provide a comparison, consider the enterprise software sales cycle, which is a useful benchmark with cycles that typically span from 60 to 90 days. Many cleantech companies aim to establish sales channels within sectors such as utilities, manufacturing, and industry. The implementation of cleantech solutions often requires a substantial capital investment by these organizations, and these factors collectively contribute to sales cycles that can be measured in multiple years rather than months or days.

Consequently, the development of genuine relationships through marketing and business development is of paramount importance. Cleantech companies must thoroughly understand the core issues that businesses are grappling with and assist these organizations in becoming proficient in addressing these challenges, ultimately securing their buy-in and closing sales.

The positive aspect of these prolonged sales cycles is that once relationships are established, they can be leveraged over an extended period with confidence, in contrast to industries with more unpredictable sales cycles. Therefore, taking a long-term perspective on these sales cycles is absolutely essential.



4. Marketing Channels

Marketing in the cleantech sector requires a strategic approach, given its unique challenges and long sales cycles. As discussed above, One of the most effective marketing channels for cleantech businesses is content marketing. This involves creating and sharing valuable, educational content that addresses the specific challenges and solutions within the industry. For example, a cleantech company could produce, videos, informative blog posts, white papers, and videos that explain how their technology helps reduce costs and improve sustainability. Typically platforms like Linkedin, X and industry-specific publications are the best outlets for the distribution of this content. By focusing on content marketing, these companies can position themselves as trusted advisors, engaging potential customers by addressing their concerns and showcasing their expertise.

In addition to content marketing, targeted trade shows and industry events are also crucial channels for cleantech businesses. Participating in events related to renewable energy, sustainability, and environmental technology provides a platform to network with industry professionals and showcase their innovative solutions. These events allow cleantech companies to establish and strengthen relationships with potential customers, partners, and investors, which is especially valuable in an industry with long sales cycles, as it can lead to long-term partnerships and business growth. For instance, an innovative energy storage manufacturer might attend renewable energy conferences to connect with utilities and manufacturers looking to adopt sustainable energy solutions.

5. Examples of Marketing Strategies for Cleantech Startups

  • Content Marketing:  Create educational content that addresses industry-specific challenges and demonstrates how your technology improves sustainability and reduces costs. Utilize blog posts, white papers, videos, and infographics to establish your company as a trusted advisor in the cleantech space.
  • Industry Events: Engage with the cleantech community by attending trade shows, conferences, and industry events.

    Network with potential customers, partners, and investors to build valuable relationships for long-term success.

  • Email Marketing: Build and maintain an email list of interested prospects and customers.
    Use email campaigns to share updates, educational content, and product information to keep your audience engaged and informed.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your online content for search engines to improve visibility in search results.
    Target keywords and phrases relevant to cleantech and your specific solutions to attract organic traffic.
  • Social Media Marketing: Establish a presence on social media platforms relevant to your target audience.
    Share content, engage with followers, and showcase your company’s achievements and contributions to the cleantech sector.


    These strategies, when executed effectively, can help a startup cleantech company navigate the unique challenges of the industry and establish a strong market presence.

The value of community:

Things can sometimes feel lonely as an entrepreneur, especially in an emerging sector, where it may feel like your are constantly having to blaze a new trail.   However there are others out there that are struggling with the same challenges.   Connecting with this community can be one of the most powerful accelerants to the growth of your business.

We especially love to advise our clients to connect with organizations that are helping to promote this community engagement.   We have our headquarters in San Diego and love what Cleantech San Diego and Connect are doing to help both start-ups and mature companies connect with like-minded individuals, potential customers, and investors.

In the cleantech sector, whether you are marketing to consumers or businesses, success hinges on understanding the unique characteristics and needs of your target audience. Consider the emotional versus rational decision-making aspects of your product or service and present your offerings clearly and concisely. Ultimately, remember to tell your story, highlighting why someone should invest in your cleantech solution and the problem you are solving. Cleantech marketing is about building relationships and inspiring change, no matter the target audience.